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Education: Art school 1999-2007
Minsk State Art College named after A. K. Glebov 2003-2007
Belarusian State Academy of Arts 2007-2013

Took a part at "Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts"
June 3, 2015 - June 14, 2015

My artworks are in the collections of"National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Niasvizh". I have painted several copies of portraits: "Portrait of August Stanislav Poniatowski" by I.K.Gessky. In the museum's exposition since 2018. "Portrait of Karal Stanislav Radzivil "Pan Kakhanku".In the museum's exposition since 2015. "Portrait of Karal Stanislav Radzivil the Just".In the museum since 2017. "Portet of Tadeusz Bagdanovich".In the museum since 2016.
Also my artworks are in private collections in the USA, Great Britain, Belarus.
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